A San Francisco wedding
Ariel and Matt were engaged among the dancing lemurs and wonderful communities in Madagascar. Ariel wrote about the trip to Madagascar for Science Hack Day last year. They asked guests and friends to give back to this place that will forever be near and dear to their hearts. Madagascar is one of the top poorest countries in the world and lemurs are one of the most endangered animals on the planet, with many of them on the brink of extinction.
Centre ValBio was founded by Dr. Patricia Wright, a MacArthur “Genius” award-winner who has been working in Madagascar since 1986. Centre ValBio was created to help both indigenous people and the international community better understand the value of conservation in Madagascar and around the world. The organization is located in Ranomafana National Park, a place in the Southeast of Madagascar that was designated as a protected national park entirely due to Dr. Wright’s work.