Let's Imagine Greater

I'm totally over the moon about this: I'm featured in a TV spot airing on SyFy as part of their Let's Imagine Greater campaign! You can catch it "live" on the SyFy channel this weekend: Saturday @ 6:13pm EST & Sunday @ 5:33pm EST. Or just check it out below:

SyFy's tagline is "Let's Imagine Greater" and this is part of a campaign to get everyone to imagine amazing things – and hopefully create them! This is very much in line with my work: Spacehack.org is about anyone being able to explore space and make scientific discoveries, and Science Hack Day is all about getting excited and making things with science. You can hear more about my story and some of my miscellaneous thoughts at my page on the Let's Imagine Greater site.

The shoot was so much fun - I was acting out a lot of things on green screen, so it's great to see how it all comes together in the end. I really loved filming on a set – I hope it'll be the first of many.

SyFy shoot for Let's Imagine Greater campaign
Creative director Chris Dooley and Ariel Waldman.

More photos from the shoot are at http://flic.kr/s/aHsjz5pTM4.Want to chat with me about imagining amazing-awesome-weird science-y things or how you can get involved as a spacehacker? Save the date: March 28, 4-5pm EST. I'll be hosting a live TweetChat - follow @letsimaginegrtr and join the discussion at http://tweetchat.com/room/letsimaginegreater or by watching #letsimaginegreater.

Photos above by David Chun.


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