Supernova 2009
I've been meaning to write about a lot of the conferences I've been to this year (hopefully will get to it in a follow-up blog post). One of the upcoming conferences I've been offered to attend again is Supernova, a conference about "understanding how decentralization and pervasive connectivity are changing our world". From web privacy to web standards, Supernova is great about booking speakers who not only live and breathe the issues they're discussing, but actively fight for the progress of them in their daily life. Here's a few people and talks I'm looking forward to from the current line-up:Speakers:• Marko Ahtisaari (Dopplr)• Kevin Bankston (Electronic Frontier Foundation)• Danah Boyd (Microsoft Research)Talks:• Social Networks in the Workplace (definitely a talk that's of personal interest due to my experiences at NASA)• Updating Copyright Law: A Fair (Use) Fight? (Jason Schultz gave a *great* panel discussion on this topic at SXSW titled Fair Use on Trial)• The Changing World (Pervasive connectivity is altering everything from our social interactions to our cities.)• Privacy and the Social Web• Fun with Fun (What are the emergent properties of games and virtual worlds that will impact the broader technology space?)